Daniel Carlton
Teaching Artist/
Speaker-Workshop Leader
646 359 -2516
I think that I will grin
Then-minus sin
Let it begin
Going for the win
When I feel the wind/
Breath to expend/
Heart full worth more than money to spend/
Never an end/
Extra smile to lend/
Would you like one my friend?
The Eagle In Harlem and Other Tales (All Ages)
Description : Interactive tales include Malik And The Collard Green(a remix of Jack and the Beanstalk), Why People Have To Work( a reimagined folktale), The Lady and The Ghost Of The Village( a story that needs the audience to fill in the contents) Creation?( hip hop beats, call and response, iconic pop references and more , as the Sun, Moon , and Rain meet on the first day of all time) , A Horse in Harlem( history made fun), Anansi The Spider Remixed , and other original or adapted stories. The tales utilize audience participation, various character's voiced and acted out, and lots of live music ( Flute, Drums, Sound effects) to impart (in a fun and friendly way) lessons that address fairness, respect, the magic of creativity,history and many other timeless principles .
This show has been enjoyed by 1000's of people over the years( adults love it as much as the kids).
When Smalls had it All"
A multi media theatrical presentation that honors
and re-creates the experience of the iconic Smalls Paradise of Harlem as a metaphor for the Harlem history.
Live band, archival images, and storytelling create the world and take us on a journey through four eras of Harlem jazz history (The 1920's, 40's, 60's, and
Smalls' ultimate closure in the 80's). Written in Verse
From Charleston swoons, to 60's funk jazz tunes , bep-bop to the advent of hip hop, the highly interactive audience participatory performance with Mr. Carlton as poetic MC and portraying a multitude of characters will use the language, style, music, and history of each of those renowned eras.
Under the musical direction of Claudia Hayden.
Memories Of Self - Untold stories of Free Blacks In Brooklyn NY ( Weeksville) 1830 -1918 ( Middle School and above)
Using actual documented events, this series of fictional monolouges tells the stories of African Americans who built lives in the face of tremendous odds. Topics coverd include escaping slavery, the Draft Riots in NYC , WW1, The Great Migration, Literacy, and Love.
A Block of Time pt1 - Pigfoot Mary Says Goodbye to the Harlem Renaissance
One of Harlem's most successful early entrepreneurs Pig Foot Mary (a real person) says goodbye to the customers of her highly profitable pig's feet and other eats stand at 135th and Lenox Avenue. She remembers in particular the stories of four men she met during her time on the corner. Who are Hot Fingers The Piano Player, The Garveyite , Crispus The Number’s Runner , and WWI Veteran General Wilson? What do they have in common with Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen*, Marcus Garvey*, Zora Neale Hurston*, Claude McKay*, and Paul Laurence Dunbar* What happens on her last day at her corner stand in 1927?
Written and performed entirely in verse. 2 actors ( Daniel plays the various men)
The Dream Inn
Story and direction by Daniel Carlton-Poetry by Langston Hughes
Cast of 6 (All Ages)
Using Langston Hughes's poetry as the dialogue –and the music of Duke Ellington as the backdrop, The Dream Inn tells the story of the hopes, dreams, heartbreak and triumphs of recent residents of Harlem during the Great Migration. The young couple in love, musician with the dream of playing with the greats of Harlem nightclubs and theaters, neighborhood entrepreneur, Old Timer, Blues man, and gangster all congregate at a fictional spot called The Dream Inn. The gangster is ultimately outwitted as these dreamers take control of the place to finally make it their own.
Freedom Talks/Sings ( All Ages)
An interactive show that takes audiences through the experience of the Civil Rights Movement from 1955-1965. Using music used at rallies and marches, Excerpts of text from speeches, and even an audience participation journey through a simulated "Children's March through Birmingham ,Alabama , the show is geared to be an experience, as opposed to passive entertainment. Included are audio clips of some of the movement participants( Martin Luther King Jr, Paul Robeson, Maya Angeleou , Malcom X, and others).. The songs include : Amen, Aint Gonna Let Nobody Turn Us Around, Keep Your Eyes On The Prize , We Shall Overcome, and more..... Characters played by Daniel Carlton/ Songs led by an accomplished musician/ singer.