Daniel Carlton
Teaching Artist/
Speaker-Workshop Leader

Workshops Available:
Acting./theater ..including long term residencies in schools or other institutions , Explore , character, setting , conflict , physical movement in ways that both conform to "learning standards..and expand deeper understandings of the world..This can also include developing scripts/directing the shows, and including multi media components.
Storytelling..Create and perform original stories or adapt folktales/myths to a modern voice -narrative
Conflict resolution/ leadership/ Role playing and various forms of writing to identify conflict triggers, alternatives to violence, and healty/proactive negotiations .
STD -STI /Prevention and awareness..
The Civil Rights Movement through writings/songs , and direct action strategies
Public Speaking
Staff Developments for Youth Workers(email for further details)
IPast and Present Projects:-
Currently leading two after school programs that use role playing, poetry and other forms of writing, to help students to identify ways of being healthy and proactive in a complicated world.
Hospital Audiences Incorporated ( Present)
Facilitator / Co-Creator Youth Leadership Violence Prevention Program.
Facilitator of a role-play based model of conflict resolution using adolescents and adult professional actors to conduct workshops and performances in schools, jails, group homes, and community centers. Writer and director of short plays and role-play scenarios aimed to reach At Risk youth.
Facilitator Prevention Education Department.
Facilitator and actor in role-play on site topic based workshops. Topics covered included A.I.D.S prevention, housing readiness for families in The New York City Shelter system, Tuberculosis prevention and treatment, Domestic violence education,, conflict resolution, literacy enhancement, and hepatitis treatment/prevention. Sites included are mental institutions, prisons, drug rehabilitation centers, schools, and homeless shelters.
Community Works ( Present)
Performances and follow up workshops for an original presentation “The Eagle In Harlem and Other Urban Folktales” for school age audiences.
Facilitator and Workshop Developer for public art exhibits that include a retrospective of the Civil Rights Movements entitled “ The Long Walk To Freedom”, and “Harlem Is” a celebration of community difference makers.
Conflict Resolution Through Theater workshops for school age audiences.
Using Your Voice creative writing instructor.
Goddard Riverside Community Center(past)
Resident Cultural Artist
Drama Instructor for multi culture school age population. Writer and Director of short plays that celebrate the history and richness of a multi-cultured community.